Convention over Kubernetes: (Almost) Configless Deploys
Cameron Dutro
Kubernetes has taken the ops world by storm. But for many, however, the learning curve is steep. Even a standard Rails app requires gobs of dense YAML configuration.
Wouldn't it be great if you, a humble Rails developer, could take advantage of this awesome technology?
Well now you can!
Come learn how, with almost no configuration, you too can leverage Kubernetes to deploy your Rails app cost-effectively on a variety of cloud platforms.
Cameron is the author of a number of rubygems, including TwitterCLDR, arel-helpers, and gelauto. He also wrote and still maintain Scuttle, a SQL to activerecord/arel converter.
Cameron works for Lumos Labs on the Core/Platform team, but going to be working for Quip starting June 15th. Previously, he worked for Twitter on the Twitter Translation Center!